The Forgotten Memories Of Buddy Mac

Jarvis Andrews
3 min readApr 10, 2020

Chapter 5

The Home of Carmen

After running for so long the both of them even lose track of time but Carmen has been here before so the route that was taken was very familiar. But finally she comes to a complete stop as she lays Buddy on the ground. “We made it” she say’s to herself, finally I was starting to lose my breathe it’s difficult carrying a full person on my back.

Now now wake up Buddy we are here. As Buddy sits up he starts to notice the surroundings. “Why is there a massive trail going up this mountain?” he say’s. This is the path to the place i live when I’m not on missions and i have time to relax.

Far In the distance it sounds like a waterfall.

My true home is behind a water fall. Its a secret hideout that I’ve had since training school. I would come here everyday with something new to add. In order to get there, this trail leads to that waterfall and from there, there’s a special entry.

As they walked up the trail nearing the waterfall the air began to become chill. We made it says Carmen. “The end of the trail and in sight was the most beautiful waterfall I’ve ever seen” Buddy thought.

I hope your ready to swim says Carmen. The entrance is under water and we have to swim against the water current. “Wait what do you…



Jarvis Andrews

Growing Leader & Learning New Things Everyday So Why Not Take A Shot!