Jarvis Andrews
3 min readDec 6, 2020


The Forgotten Memories Of Buddy Mac

Chapter 7

The Confrontation

“It’s we either fight or escape. I choose to kill them all, so Buddy I think you should stay out of this fight until you get your memory back.” He agrees with a blank expression on his face.

“I’m gonna run right into their trap on purpose but with a new weapon I have.”

“I need you to hid somewhere close, we could be being watched right now so be careful where you hide.” As she stretches.

Carmen looks at Buddy with an uncertain look on her face. She sprints in the opposite direction of the waterfall.

Basic 60 mph speed..

Dashing down a mountain at amazing time. She stops 3 miles into her run and noticed a soldier to her right and left.

At her speed she couldn’t stop right away going down hill, she trips over a large tree root and crashes into the following tree in front.

She hears the men coming and gathered herself, as she winden up her stance and tackled one solider down. While on top of the man, the next soilder shoot at her. She picks him up and uses him as a shield.

Killing the solider, she trucks the other with the dead body shield and as he was getting hit. Carmen pulls out her pistol and shoots him 3 times killing him.



Jarvis Andrews

Growing Leader & Learning New Things Everyday So Why Not Take A Shot!